Our website is the ultimate destination where you can buy poppers and aromas online. Get ready for an unforgettable experience with our top-quality poppers from the leading brands in South Africa! At our store, we stock only the best, including the popular Pop me up, Manscent, and Fist and Rush. These poppers are certain to take you to a state of blissful thoughts without any lasting negative consequences. Read More
Turn on the red lights and enjoy the liberating experience of Amsterdam. This small bottle of Amsterdam poppers could be your ticket to a better experience. Simply pop it open and let it do its thing, before you know it you’ll be popping like you are in one of the most liberated cities in Europe! Every bottle of Amsterdam is made with Isobutyl Nitrite. Find out why so many people are enjoying themselves while they’re experiencing nitrate based popper.
May be fatal if swallowed. Skin irritant and severe eye irritant. Highly flammable. Note that poppers is addictive.
Poppers primarily act as a vasodilator, which means that they expand the blood vessels. Having dilated blood vessels can cause:
- A sudden drop in blood pressure (too low, may cause fainting or a loss of consciousness)
- dizziness
- Increased heart rate
- Light headedness
R150.00A little Boy Blue goes a long way if you catch our drift. This original popper has a pleasant scent and the most tranquil effects. Turn any room into an relaxing environment with a 10ml bottle of Boy Blue. This popper is made with genuine isobutyl nitrite that can help you loosen up and feel more at ease to do your thing. Keep some in your bedroom or living room for those special time needed when you want to unwind with someone special!
May be fatal if swallowed. Skin irritant and severe eye irritant. Highly flammable. Note that poppers is addictive.
Poppers primarily act as a vasodilator, which means that they expand the blood vessels. Having dilated blood vessels can cause:
- A sudden drop in blood pressure (too low, may cause fainting or a loss of consciousness)
- dizziness
- Increased heart rate
- Light headedness
R150.00- R180.00